Demons Rising
The Story of the Wayward Scout
Book #1 in the Life Behind Bars Book Series
The story is replete with foul language, some drug use, and has some bawdy comments with sexual overtones. There is also a tinge of violence as well. But I strived for authenticity, while allowing literary license, and those are all components I recall well in the MC world. However, it is also brimming with humor, and a warm sense of love and family. It’s not just a story about life in a motorcycle club. It’s about LIFE! It’s about FAMILY! It’s about knowing that….“…you’ll shed blood for your family, but you don’t need blood to be family.”
Where does a man learn about loyalty, justice, faith, honor, sacrifice, commitment, pride, and the concept of family? When he was eleven years old, Digger Garcia’s mom bought him a motorcycle, and that has been the only true constant in his life. Digger was raised in Elkhart, Indiana living a seemingly normal life. He was an Eagle Scout, a proud Marine, serving two tours in Iraq, and he was a man who believed he would personify the American dream. But now as Digger nears forty, he sees that the American dream left him behind, leaving him in search of answers, in search of family, in search of love.
Digger, the quintessential green double-zero on the roulette wheel, fitting in nowhere, keeping things off balance, moves to the Tampa Bay area where he meets an old Vietnam veteran, Tommy (Solomon) Starke. Solomon is the founder of the iconic Demons Rising Motorcycle Club, and he introduces Digger to the outlaw motorcycle club world. Digger earns respect quickly and is elected sergeant-at-arms. He meets Mary Ellen (Venus) Webb at a local bar and brings her into his circle. Digger’s love for the enigmatic and misguided Venus seems to steer him in all directions, keeping him off balance. Solomon soon becomes Digger’s mentor and helps him combine his love of motorcycles with his quest for a real concept of family by teaching him lessons he doesn’t always want to learn. But miles behind the handlebars, and lessons from the road, all help Digger learn that you’ll shed blood for your family, but you do not need blood to be family.
Rebellious Youth
The Story of the Lost Child
Book #2 in the Life Behind Bars Book Series
Jump on for this white-knuckle-ride psychological thriller and crawl inside the brain of an inscrutable madman. John (Elf) Elfman whirls you through his clouded realm steeped in anger and resentment for the world at large. His undying loyalty to Rebellious Youth MC is challenged constantly by the founder and president, Charles (Chuck) Force. They are constantly battling to undermine one another by searching for secrets they both hide. Chuck attempts to keep the club that he founded at age 19 back in 1968 under the fed’s radar, but Elf’s impulsive behavior collides with Chuck’s desire. Elf’s ol’ lady is Carol Dafranco, the daughter of a major icon in the biker world. She stands by Elf’s side through his chaotic and spiteful ways . . . until she doesn’t! The ending is something you will not see coming! Is Elf a crazed psychopath, or is he a misunderstood man with ghosts that haunt him? You decide!
Black River
The Story of the Broken Comedian
Book #3 in the Life Behind Bars Book Series
Meet Oscar Bakker. He was “almost a someone once.” Oscar is referring to the fact that he left his economically depressed hometown of Rochester, New York for Hollywood in 1977 after dropping out of high school to pursue a dream. Oscar was on the verge of becoming a successful comedian and rubbing elbows with Hollywood elite. But his lust for cocaine, and his impulsive and self-centered behaviors derailed his boyhood aspirations and he traded Tinsel Town for rehabs and prison stints. Oscar’s Hollywood days included a toxic presence disguised as love via the graceless and troublesome southern beauty, Annabelle Foster. Their decades long and never-ending relationship is replete with sporadic dalliances that only cemented their codependency.
After his career crashed, and his life followed suit, Oscar went to a local saloon one night hoping to score some coke. What he found was a local motorcycle club just coming from their brother’s funeral. Oscar sat and listened to their words and the talk of the open road, freedom, and brotherhood and by night’s end, he had fallen idealistically in love with the whole concept. Feeling an epiphany had taken hold, Oscar spent his remaining cash on a used motorcycle and travelled around the country for the next year.
He landed in Okeechobee, Florida where he meets Michael (Ghost) Wright founder and president of the one-percenter MC Black River. Ghost is a strong and stoic leader of the club who always has their best interest at heart. The Wright clan are pariahs of Okeechobee County due to Ghost’s father committing a brazen and cowardly murder for which he was executed in 1965. Ghost and Oscar’s friendship grows quickly and eventually he invites this broken comedian to join Black River MC. Despite their closeness, both Ghost and Oscar hide secrets from one another that cannot stay buried indefinitely. But only one of their secrets can destroy Black River forever. In a true test of sacrifice and brotherhood, both realize the right choice doesn’t always end in true Hollywood fashion.
Righteous Ravens
The Story of the Roaming Gypsy
Book #4 in the Life Behind Bars Book Series
Dutch's Newest Book! (It's the ladies turn)